Introducing Health Wizard – lower cost, easier health tests at work

Apr 15, 2024 | 0 comments

Like many great products, Health Wizard at Work came about as we tried to solve a problem that had been bugging us for many years.

Our team have been active in the UK hearing, audiology and occupational health industries for many years and are passionate about hearing health.  They were becoming increasingly frustrated that while great progress had been made in the realm of hearing protection, hearing aids and wearables in support of the legal requirements for employers to take action to prevent or reduce the risks from noise at work, the reality was that many employees who needed a hearing test simply weren’t getting them.  Not only that, the risks to hearing are increasing due to the culture of gaming and “always-in” earbuds.

  • “We can’t afford for staff to spend hours away doing a hearing test”.  

  • “Our employees are spread around sites all across the country”.  

  • “We have lots of staff working from home – we can’t make them come into the office just for a hearing test”.  

  • “Our staff work shifts so how can we find a time when they are all on-site to test them?”  

  • “Previous quotes are out of our budget”

Over the years we have heard all the reasons why it was just too difficult to prioritise hearing health!

And we understand that complying with the Health & Safety Act (and the Noise at Work Act and HSE guidelines) in the real world is challenging. Not least, recent revisions to the HSE guidelines for hearing tests (L108) made significant changes to the effective provision of hearing tests at work.

It is clear that traditional hearing test methods are no longer practical for many organisations.  These methods and systems cannot offer the flexibility and convenience needed by businesses who want a low-cost easy solution that fits in with how they work, wherever this may be.

Frankly, in an age when post can be delivered to your door by a mini-helicopter, there had to be a better way that was:

  • Easy to use
  • Low cost
  • High quality
  • Available 24/7
  • Fast & flexible
  • Informational

Starting with Hearing Wizard, the Health Wizard at Work family of services is about addressing all of these issues so that ANY organisation – (big or small, rich or poor, H&S newbie or old hand) – can have access to high quality health tests at a sensible cost in a way that minimises the operational hassles of providing health tests at work.

With Hearing Wizard, we created a revolutionary hearing test that enabled businesses to save over 50% on hearing surveillance by testing the hearing health of their staff easily and in a way that fitted in with how they work. 

Hearing Wizard is a calibrated hearing test that follows the latest HSE guidelines and is self-contained in a neat, sturdy and lightweight case, making it simple to courier to wherever your staff may be based – on-site, WFH, on remote sites, across multiple sites.

Health Wizard at Work tests are all quick and easy to set up, requiring no specialist skills.  They are tablet-based, user-operated and take only 20 minutes. The system delivers test results within hours and is fully supported by qualified staff who send every single report.  Importantly the Health Wizard at Work service includes a detailed summary report to support management H&S decision making, insurance requirements and HSE compliance. 

Health Wizard at Work have designed a hearing test to suit the way your business works and have removed the barriers to compliance.  So…no more excuses.  2024 is the year to put hearing testing at the top of your to-do list!

[see The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005]